I am Károly Szilárd Ősz and I am 27 years old. I live in Reghin, Mureș County, Romania. Two years ago, I suffered an accident, which was caused by my stupidity, resulting in consequences I will bear for the rest of my life. I rode my bike on a steep slide and since then I have been paralyzed from the waist down. In 2015 I heard about HIFA-ROMANIA Association’s dance group project. I was sure I would join them from the first moment. In fact, I was not interested in dancing before my accident, but now I can say that wheelchair dance may be a wonderful thing and I enjoy it the most.
My name is Noémi Tóth and I am 22 years old. I like dancing and I like socializing. I like things that are outside my comfort zone, and this has made me become one of the BB Dance Group dancers. I like dancing in this group because every rehearsal is a new challenge and I learn a lot. I have met some honest and friendly people who give me the strength of mind I need.