1. What trait describes you the best?
I am very persistent. Despite the difficulties, I always try everything.
2. During the introduction or when talking about yourself, how important do you think it is to mention that you are disabled?
I find it important to mention it because people tend to judge quickly. If I mention it, I can ask for help and they will be more accepting of me.
3. What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of what I was able to accomplish after the accident. Because I can prove to people that dreams can be realized even from a wheelchair.
4. If you could change something, what would it be?
I would change to be able to walk.
5. What are your plans? What about your dreams?
I have a lot of plans, this year I want to buy a tow and tie a sled to it. Whatever possibilities I have I will try to accomplish my dreams.
6. What role did society play in the path to your successful fulfillment? (this can be negative, but it can also be positive)
It played an important role. After the accident, my friendships changed, and then I became more open about myself. I always like making more and more friends.
7. Why and how important do you think healthy people should understand their injured peers?
Many are not open on this subject, although I have warned people many times that they could find themselves in a similar situation in the blink of an eye.
8. What do you usually do in this regard?
I meet new people and tell my stories to them.
9. If you could send a message to those who are less accepting, what would that message be?
Don’t be afraid of us! Be more open-minded.
10. Why is this your favorite photo – tell us about it, where and when, and under what circumstances was it taken?
This picture was taken last year at Hifa Camp. I really like it because one of my dreams was to buy such a scooter and I really liked to carry people with it. I want to give free rides to children with disabilities.