Dalma Kedei – Gréta Kedei

I am Dalma Kedei, a 42-year-old wife and mother of three children. I work for the HIFA-ROMÁNIA Association, where I got in touch with the BB DANCE dance group years ago. At that time, I was part of the dance group for a few months, which was interrupted by my pregnancy with my youngest child. Now that she is old enough that I don’t always have to be by her side, I can take on activities that are outside the family and take a break from the gray weekdays. I like being with the team and I like the challenges, which I have plenty of here.

Gréta Kedei, 11-year-old student. A fifth-grade student at II. Rákoczki Ferencz Catholic School. I started cooperating with the BB DANCE dance group during the dance camp when I replaced a missing dancer. I liked it, and since then I have been enthusiastically participating in rehearsals and performances. I feel good in the team and I am happy to answer every single challenge that comes my way.