Each person has the right to direct 2% or 3,5% of their income tax to a nonprofit organization. If you want to support HIFA-România Association, you can do it every year until the 25th of May.
The proceedings for 2% or 3,5%:
1. Ask for Form 230 from ANNAF or from our association. You can also download it by clicking on the following link:
2. Write in the form the required data:
Year (previous)
I. write your personal data
II. tick the right 2. square
Name of the nonprofit entity „Denumire entitate nonprofit”: Asociaţia HIFA-România
Tax identification code of the nonprofit entity „Codul de identificare fiscală al entităţii nonprofit”: 13226582
Bank Account (IBAN)„Cont bancar (IBAN)”: RO30RNCB0188034979810001
Write the amount of either 2% or 3,5%. If you do not know the amount that can be transferred, do not fill in the Amount square. In this case, the tax inspector will calculate and transfer the right amount, in accordance with the law.
IV. –
3. Do not forget to sign!
4. The form will be filled in two copies: the original will be taken to the Tax office, and you will keep the copy.
5. The form will be handed in at the registry of the tax office or can be sent by registered mail to ANAF or can be deposited at our association.
For those who have received other incomes than those from salary, fill in FORM 200.